Penetration Testing

 Every pen testing engagement differs from each other & no customers are the same. It is very important, to have a clear understanding of the customer's objective, to prepare a plan that is executed during the engagement. Plan needs to be prepared with a scope to manage the schedule while maintaining the customer's expectation. Prevent scope creep - when assets are added to target list in the last minute, trying to save money & time. 

Since this assets are not part of the penetration testing engagement that is not part of the written authorization been given permission by the Senior Management scope creep is very dangerous for penetration testing engagement. 
Penetration testing is usually not trivial task, as organizations are often hesitant to allow such activities on their network until organizations has improved their security model. In all cases specific factors must be addressed during the planning phase for understanding the requirements of the engagement. 

Who are the target audience? 
It is important to understand the business purpose or function to identify the reporting levels and the responsible parties who are stakeholders for the engagement. Usually this group is made up of executive managementcontracting officer or legal representativesecurity personnelIT departmentpentesters.

A written authorization by the Executive management or Senior Management are required for any type of pentest engagement. Senior managers are responsible for an organization's overall goal and success. The contracting officer or legal representative maybe necessary to ensure legal and contractual commitments are upheld by all parties involved in the engagement. Both security personal and IT department are essential in the engagement as the organization security policy can be communicated effectively and to remediate incidental outages. Pentester vital to the success on the engagement - responsible for identifying weakness within the security structure of the organization and by simulating attacks that are applicable to organizations threat profile. Knowing all responsible parties helps establish an effective communication strategy and escalation part for remediating issues that may arise during the engagement. 

*Note: Stakeholders are information consumers. Each group will have a different understanding and expectation of the process. For instance, executive management



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